Bio Metro Fusion Sdn Bhd

Malaysia's Protein Pro Manufacturer

A Partner You Can Trust, For The Best Animal Nutrition Solutions

Acquire the right solutions for the animals you raise with the highest digestible, premium quality and highest content of crude protein.

Maximum Quality

Every product from our factory has been processed for the maximum quality.

Best Quality Protein

We aim to produce the best quality and the cheapest price per kilo of the protein.

Shariah Compliance

We’re concerned on Syariah compliance in animal feed for our customer.

About Bio Metro Fusion Sdn Bhd

We Innovate To Improve Our Solutions For You To Succeed


With over 40 years of experience, we have come out with a novel process to maximize the protein content and digestibility derived from feathers to maximize feed conversion and improve animal performance.

Environmental Conservation Plant Sustainability


Bio Metro Fusion - Research & Development


Conceptual image of idea, innovation and ambition


Team Hand Shake

Our People

Dream Big Inspiring Company

Patented Technology

Cutting-edge solutions and scientific capabilities to achieve a splendid results in your feed product

Extensive Portfolio

Hundreds and thousands metric tons of feed produced in a year for various animals you raise

Professional Team

Responsive and best in industry to assist you meet operational challenges in your livestock project 

Cost Effective

No matter how big your livestock operation size, increase your ROI by lowering the COGS

Our Value

We Create Value, Nourishing The Livestock And Protect The Environment


We promise to bring the better nutrition for better lives. We can assist you to face upcoming complex challenges as you grow your livestock business to the next level. Either you raise chickens, cattle, goats, swine, fishes, shrimps, small scale or massive scale, we got you covered.

Bio Metro Fusion - Feather Meal 4
Bio Metro Fusion - Feather Meal 3
Bio Metro Fusion - Feather Meal 2
Bio Metro Fusion - Feather Meal 1

Hi-Profeed ® Feather Meal

Feather Meal

Made from poultry feathers through the process under elevated heat and pressure.

Best Quality Protein

89% crude protein and an average of 90% digestibility

Maximum Quality

Syariah compliance, clean and safe product for your animal feed
Bio Metro Fusion - Feather Meal

Hi-Profeed ® Feather Meal

Patented Technology in producing a high value & high digestible protein for animal & aqua feed. 4 Registered Patent & 1 Trademark.

Raw material: Chicken feather from authorized processing plant & abundant

Crude protein: 80~90% with most of the test results achieved 88% (30 samples tested by ACL Lab and MARDI)

  • Digestibility: 90~95%
  • Low ash content <2%
  • Dry matter content >95%
  • Cheapest price protein

We have collaborate with multiple outstanding Government agencies including Malaysia Ministry of Science and Technology (MOSTI), Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI), Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) and Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE).

Hi-Profeed ® Fish Meal

Patented Technology in producing a high value & high digestible protein for animal & aqua feed. 4 Registered Patent & 1 Trademark.

Raw material: The bones and offal left over from fish caught by commercial fisheries

Crude protein: 80~90% with most of the test results achieved 88% (30 samples tested by ACL Lab and MARDI)

  • Digestibility: 90~95%
  • Low ash content <2%
  • Dry matter content >95%
  • Cheapest price protein

We have collaborate with multiple outstanding Government agencies including Malaysia Ministry of Science and Technology (MOSTI), Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute (MARDI), Malaysian Investment Development Authority (MIDA) and Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE).

Feather Meal

Made from the bones and offal left over from fish and going through the process under elevated heat and pressure.

Best Quality Protein

89% crude protein and an average of 90% digestibility

Maximum Quality

Syariah compliance, clean and safe product for your animal feed

Hi-Profeed ® Fish Meal

Bio Metro Fusion - Fish Meal

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